Educate a Girl & Hazera’s Home
In collaboration with ConnectHER, Human Act has been supporting the ‘Educate a Girl’ scheme in Bangladesh. With schools closed for much of 2020 due to the Covid-19 lockdown, many girls in the region have consequently missed out on an education. Human Act has also supported ‘Hazera’s Home’ in Bangladesh, a home established to care for the children of sex workers during the pandemic.
In collaboration with ConnectHER, Human Act has supported Educate a Girl. Human Act contributed with educational support for 60 girls through ConnectHER´s Girls Global Education Fund (28 girls in Chattogram, 27 girls in the remote ethnic minority region of Bandaran, and 5 girls in Dhaka). About half of the scholarship recipients are in primary school and half in secondary school. The funding provided by Human Act has ensured that these girls still have access to an education, despite increasing financial difficulties in the wake of the covid-19 pandemic.
Human Act also supports Hazera’s Home in Bangladesh. 18 girls and 28 boys – all children of sex workers – have been safely cared for throughout the pandemic at Hazera’s Home. Children who might otherwise have been on the streets at far greater risk. During school closures in 2020, the girls attended online classes, and Hazera continued to pay the girls’ school fees and for Internet service (school fees must be paid even during shutdown to maintain enrollment and pay of teachers).