MARIOLETT Senior Secondary School
The school has been built from scratch, starting in 2017, and is a combination of school and boarding school. The Mariolett school teaches 90+ children and young people (a majority of the students being girls) between the ages of 13 and 18. The ambition is to enlarge the school with an additional three class rooms, a dormitory for boys and a dining area. With school fees and income from crops sold on the schools land, Mariolett plans to offer 15% of all students a scholarship prioritized for those students in most need.
The school is located in northern Uganda, Kamdini, which is a part of the Oyam district and has a population of approximately 49.000.
There are currently 3 secondary schools in Oyam district and the closest secondary schools is between 30-75 kilometers away. Transport is a challenge to the students, whose parents can barely afford their tuition fees. Showing the immense need for the Mariolett school to exist.
Building MARIOLETT brings a secondary school closer to the community of approximately 11.000 people and will help fight and eradicate poverty amongst the youth population whilst at the same time providing greater employment opportunities to the local community.
MARIEOLETTs goal is to provide education to at least 840 students by 2024 and elevate the literacy level of youth and orphans in and around northern Uganda.