Harkat-Ensani Orphanage Support
Human Act supporting orphanages and schools
Human Act supported establishing an NGO office building in Mashhad. The office was inaugurated in November 2018, attended by local NGOs, civil society leaders and high-net worth individuals.
The purpose of the support was an initial funding of establishing an NGO to support the construction of schools and orphanages in Mashhad.
Supporting schools
In 2016 to 2018, Human Act supported several local schools with building materials, books, sports utilities and minor renovation projects.
Supporting orphans in Iran
Iranian orphanages do receive government funding. However, the support is minimal and not enough to maintain their facilities and cover all the children’s needs.
Contrary to the common definition of the word “orphan”, many Iranian orphans are not without living parents. Children are often placed in orphanages for a multitude of reasons, such as abandonment due to poverty, or due to incompetent parents (children of drug addicts and abusive homes). Without a sufficient foster care system in Iran, the support to orphanages is essential to secure that the children do not end up at the street.
In 2018 Human Act decided to support orphanage in Iran, and the first project was in the city Mashhad, housing 30 girls. The existing orphanage’s lease was about to expire, and the manager did not have the financial capacity to extend the contract.
Human Act purchased a large house and renovated the building, financed new beds, inventories and clothes for the children.
Now the girls have homelike surroundings, and competent and loving people to take care of them. The long-term purpose of the orphanage is to secure that the children has health and safety, receive education, so they later in life will be able to move out and establish their own home and family.