Since 2016, Human Act has supported the Iranian NGO Harkat Ensani in Mashhad. The 2020-2021 Harkat Ensani activities to increase focus on wealth awareness have included:
Development of a report on the optimal plan of the wealth tax in Iran in collaboration with the Sharif University Policy Research Institute.
Public awareness campaigns on wealth inequality and wealth taxation – including motion-graphics and animation – have been shared on social media.
An animation series called “The Humans” consists of 1 minute series using humour to discuss poverty, equality, wealth tax etc.
Podcasts on the ways the brain works when it comes to money, power and happiness have been streamed.
Virtual summer school about wealth tax in collaboration with professors from Ferdowski University, which donates to Harkat Ensani.Partnership with Mashhad Municipalities to use the online school for poor students.
The 2020-2021 Harkat Ensani philanthropic activities have included:
Harkat Ensanai also organized a “clean-up campaign” which was held on May 31 2021 on the annual World No Tobacco Day in one of the parks of Mashhad with about 50 volunteers. The volunteers picked up trash – including large amounts of used cigarette filters – to raise awareness on the harmful and deadly effects of tobacco use.
The second Photography Festival with themes such as economic poverty, cultural illiteracy, children’s rights and philanthropic activities took place in Iran. The purpose was to raise awareness about the positive effects of economic equality and to encourage artists to educate society. A total of 3,314 photos were submitted to the competition. Of the 3,314 photos, a total of 61 taken by conventional cameras and 14 taken by mobile phones were accepted as finalists by a distinguished and knowledgeable jury consisting of two women and three men. Cash prizes were distributed to the three winners of each category. The festival was visualized on two Instagram sites and got more than 26.000 views and a reach of 3.000.
Selected photos were exhibited in the Harkat Ensani building