Social Justice Iran 2021 2022

Harkat Ensani – Awareness and Partnerships

This year Human Act has supported Harkat Ensani’s goals of developing a greater level of awareness to the currently existing social inequalities. This is being achieved through numerous projects, but most notably the facilitation of virtual meetings and events. Events with the purpose of making the foundation known to the public, developing a network of influential members of society and finally presenting the foundations over arching mission.

Virtual meetings on “Raising awareness about extreme poverty, inequality and unfair wealth distribution”

These meetings, using the universities’ student scientific associations, were centred on clarifying and finding solutions for the extreme poverty, inequality and unfair wealth distribution that exists in the country. Three meetings were held in May 2022 with more than 100 participants. Firstly: on May 4. Hosting Dr. Parvizian (Economist, professor of Ferdowsi university). “Clarifying and defining poverty and extreme poverty and its roots in Iran” Secondly: on May 12. Hosting Dr. Parvizian (Economist, professor of Ferdowsi university).”Roots of inequality and discrimination in Iran, methods of eradication poverty, tax, fair wealth distribution “ Finally: hosting Dr. Abbas Alavi (economist. professor of Yazd University). “Extreme poverty and relative poverty; unfair wealth and income distribution; the reason for unfair wealth distribution’’.)

Human Act since supporting Harkat Ensani has helped:

  • Support of more than 1.000 vulnerable and talented students.
  • Education materials for 100 talented students.
  • Scholarships end enrollment to schools for more than 100 talented students.
  • Economic support for five schools in the poor suburbs of Mashhad that involve more than 750 vulnerable and talented students.
  • 60 kids have been supported with medicals and glasses.
  • Support of an orphanage for 40 girls covering everything from expenses for beds and tables to education expenses and renovation of the buildings.
  • Support for 60 of the most vulnerable kids’ families for living expenses such as food, clothes, medicine etc.